When dealing with insurance companies there is a variety of different ways to be reimbursed. Although I am not currently on any insurance panels that does not mean my services cannot be reimbursed. I am happy to provide you with any and all paperwork you'll need in order to get reimbursed.
There are two reasons I suggest that people file their own paper work:
There are two reasons I suggest that people file their own paper work:
- Insurance companies, in my experience, tend to respond more favorably to their customers than to providers.
- I don't want you to be surprised, or in the dark, about anything that is submitted to the insurance company about you. I think you have the right to know what is being filed.
- Does my plan include mental health benefits?
- How many sessions a year are included in my plan?
- Do I need to meet a deductible before reimbursement occurs?
- Is there a limit on how much you'll pay per session?
- How much do you reimburse for an out-of-network provider?
- Do I need a pre-authorization/referral from my Primary Care Provider?